Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We often will soak chicken breasts in Kraft Zesty Italian (or any Italian) dressing overnight (in the fridge) and grill it the next day. It usually gives the meat a slight flavor, which is nice.

However, I recently made the decision to start freezing the chicken in the marinade.  That way I could grab a bag of frozen chicken and by the time it thawed, it was already marinated and ready to go.  It started out mostly as a time saver, since the chicken freezes to the freezer bag, which meant I had to wait until the chicken thawed to pour in the dressing.

However, from the very first time we used one of the "flavored" bags of chicken, I discovered that this REALLY lets the meat soak up the flavor of the marinade.

So, if you know that you like it a certain way, just go on and mix your marinade and freeze your meat in it.  It saves time and effort later on and will REALLY have a delicious flavor.  I use this for both chicken and steak and it is such a flavor burst- yum yum!


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