Thursday, December 1, 2011

If I had a million dollars (or 30 million or so... you know, whatever)

So, I asked the other day what you'd do if you had $30 Million bucks or so.  After taxes, of course, because this is our fantasy and we don't wanna pay no stinkin' taxes.

Let's say I win it in the lottery.  So there it is- the winning ticket in my hand.  The very first thing I'm gonna do is get a lawyer.  I want papers drawn up preventing my name and information being released as a lottery winner.  Oh yes, I am not going to have people banging at my door asking me to invest in their electric sponge idea.

Then I'm cashing it in for one lump sum (I know I can get more in the long run if I take it in payments, but screw that, I just won millions, I'm taking it lump sum and running with it).   There it is! $30 million dollars.

Money money money money money.

Next, I pay off every scrap of debt I own.  All of it.  Tim's student loans, both cars- bam, done.  It's a drop in the bucket, it barely dents in to my $30M.

Next? I pay off my Dad's house and then buy him another, with lots of land.  He can rent out the other one or burn it to the ground, I don't care.  Then buy him a new truck.  Then a cool million goes in to the bank in his name.  Bam. However, it's with the caveat he does not pay off my brother's stuff.  The brat needs to grow up (yeah I am still bitter.  Even with my millions.)  I'd pay off a hunk of my mom's existing debt, then she's on her own.

Next, I pay off my in-law's house and toss them a cool million as well.  I get along really well with Tim's parents.  I know, it's weird to me too, but I'm lucky.

Now let's see... I still have a good $27 million dollars.  Time to go shopping...

... for a house of course! I pick out a beautiful set of property, I'm thinking 50 acres minimum, then I custom build a home for it.  We're probably looking at a million dollars by the time I'm done.  Most of that will be in land costs, but let's face it- the economy sucks and I'll be paying cash.  I expect a very good deal to be made on the acreage (in fact, I already have it picked out! Buwahaha).

Then let's see.  $100,000 in a fund for my sister-in-law, that she can't touch until she is 30 years old. Buwahahaha, I am evil, but it will give her some valuable real-life experience.

I've also got some friends I'd like to help out- trips, buying a few nice things here and there, helping out with *some* debt- that kind of thing.  However, I would have to say it would be hard to know your true friends if you came in to a lot of money and I definitely wouldn't be accepting applications for new ones! :)

Now that I've walked you through my spending of a good 5 million dollars, I won't bore you with investment strategies, or of the descriptions of the massively wonderful vacations I plan on taking.  Nor will I bore you with barn designs, horses, etc.


Yeah, definitely need to start buying those lottery tickets!



  1. I've played the million dollar game but never 30 mil. I know what I would do with a million after taxes. Buy a triplex, 3 bedroom 2 baths each for my mom and brothers. Pay off our house and my school loan (our only debt, which would be about $100,000). In the market now I could get a triplex in our area for about $200,000. I would also buy cars for us and my brother (not brand new but 5 year old cars). I would take $100,000 and do 3 adoptions because more then anything in the world I want to be a mom. I would bank $100,000, put $25,000 in college accounts for my niece and nephews and my 3 future kids, use $100,000 for home improvements (pool, a couple add ons, bigger garage for hubby), take my family on a vacation or two (say $25,000), take a few classes (hubby and I both would) and donate $100,000 to various church related charities. I currently do not belong to a church so can't tithe. I would also donate $25,000 to animal charities and 25,000 to a diabeties charity.
    With 30 million half would be donated to various charities. I would set myself, my brothers and their spouses (and the one ex), and my mom up in nice houses with a bit of property each. It would NOT be in California. We would go to Ireland and Scotland, a big Florida trip, and to Austraila. I would bank 5 million. Same cars. College funds would be $250,000 per kid. We would still adopt at least 3 kids, maybe 4.

  2. Your plan sounds a lot like mine. I would give a lot away to friends/family. I really don't need much, I'd just like to be able to live comfortably!
    --your long time friend

  3. Ahahaha Mel, I love you :P.

    Oh yes Jessica, I figured if we're gonna dream, let's dream big with the 30 million! Seriously though, it amazes me how much even $100,000 would change our lives. I can never get over it when I hear about celebrities that go bankrupt after earning CRAZY millions every year. Blah!

    It's fun to dream though :).
