Saturday, October 8, 2011

5k for Diabetes and an otherwise lazy day.

Tim woke me up at 7:30 this morning.  My first thought was "Why do I have to get up now? I don't have work and if it's church he has to go..."  Then it hit me.  Today was the 5k for a cure for Juvenile Diabetes.  They really need to start these things later in the morning, I like my sleep!

We arrived early and grabbed a half bagel for breakfast, played a few of the little games (I won a free Chick-fil-a Ice Dream coupon! Yummy...) and lined up for the team photo.  Not long after that, we were off!

I was disappointed that the 5k actually ended up being a 3.5k.  Due to the extremely large crowd walking the narrow sidewalks of a nearby University, we weren't able to do a fast pace either.  We finished the 3.5k in under 50 minutes.  Not that impressive, but what can ya do?

We grabbed hot dogs (keep in mind this is 10am in the morning) and had a Popsicle, then headed out.  On the way home, we found a Fall Festival and stopped in to see what we could see.  I was very disappointed with the craft booths- there wasn't much around and the items that were there were very expensive.  A single pumpkin muffin? $3.00. No thank you.

We headed home to veg out in front of the TV and enjoy some college football.  My Tar Heels won, then we watched a thriller between Virginia Tech and Miami.  Oh, did I say watched?  We slept through about half of it.  I woke up at one point to discover that not only was I the only living being awake in the house, I had also been using Toby the cat as a pillow.

We had happily thrown some ribs in the crockpot, so dinner was a quick affair.  Now there is nothing to do until bed time but veg out in front of the TV or curl up on the couch with a book.  Did I say nothing to do? Oh there is plenty to do, but those are the only options I'm considering!


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