Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Pets have fleas- joy.

The pets have fleas. I know this, because as I innocently sat in the floor playing on the computer and watching tv (I'm a multi-tasker), one jumped on me. Guh-ross.

I grabbed it and promptly threw it in the toilet to drown. I HATE fleas. Has anyone else noticed how hard these stupid things are to kill? You can't smash them, they get right back up and flip you off before they hop on about their business.

I grabbed our vials of flea medication (one for the cats, one for the dogs) and dosed everyone but Boo. I ran out :(.

I guess it's time to jump on eBay and buy some more medication.



  1. Yeah. We still have fleas even though the dogs have been medicated. So annoying!

  2. Not sure if you have a costco card but you can buy a 3 pack of Frontline for dogs (any size) for $37.99 available in stores and for cats on line (unsure of price). I also order from . I know costco is $50 a year - worth it for us, we buy the 10lb bags of Tyson boneless skinless chicken breast (75% of our home cooked meals are chicken based) for $20. Unlike most of the bagged chicken, the breast are a nice thickness and actually edible. We also get gloves for Gale - 400 (200 pr) for $18.99. At the medical stores and other stores they are like $12.99 for a box of 100 (50 pr). We use at least 5 pr a day so just buying the gloves pays for the card for us.
