I often use Southern sayings- and it greatly amuses me how many people have no idea what I am saying. However, I've noticed the generations coming after mine have absolutely no idea what is being said either- and they are from the South!
So I'm putting together a reoccurring series of Southern Sayings! Enjoy!
Month of Sundays- a long time. "I haven't seen you in a month of Sundays!"
Blue Million- a lot. "I have a blue million book ideas!"
Forty eleven- a lot. "She has forty eleven cats."
Mule eatin' mayonnaise- an unattractive face or an unattractive person. "She looks like a mule eatin' mayonnaise."
Champagne taste, beer pocketbook- Expensive tastes but not much money. "I always seem to like the most expensive clothing. I've just got champagne taste and a beer pocketbook."
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