Friday, May 3, 2013

Yard Sale Season (12 Months of Christmas Post)

Ahhh May.  The time of year where the pollen has mostly died down, even our friends and family to the North are finally putting away the snow and a staple of summer begins to show up in your local newspaper- Yard Sales!

Keep an eye out, while you're out and about.  I can't tell you how many times I have found new-in-the-box items at yard sales.  Most recently, I found two crystal "sweet trays" that are Christmas themed, still in the box, for $1 each!  I bought them both and they will be making their reappearance this December in one of those various "draw a number, steal a gift" parties that small groups are so fond of.  Perhaps you can find a beautiful plate that can be washed and later grace the table of a friend, piled high with heaps of freshly baked Christmas cookies.  Vases, mason jars, pots- there are tons of items that can be useful to the forward thinking gifter!

If the thought of buying your loved ones gifts from someone's front yard makes you feel a little squeamish (and for some folks, it does!), check out the christmas decor that is usually available.  Maybe you can find a new strand of lights to replace the burned out one for pennies on the dollar.  Maybe there are boxes of Christmas cards that you can use.   You just never know what you'll find in the modern day treasure hunt known as yard sales, garage sales, estate sales, etc.

If you find some out of season clothes still with tags on them or toys new in the box for a good price, why not consider picking these items up to donate them during the Christmas season?


Catch up on all the 12 Months of Christmas posts here.

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